Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wikileaks Ethics - 1556 Words

Wikileaks 2006 saw the formation of what would soon become a world player in journalism. Julian Assange created Wikileaks as a whistle-blowers resource, a place where those with something important to share could do so without retribution and with full anonymity. Information dumps from the United States government, corporations, and even private groups and individuals drew mixed results and painted a strange picture of this organization. Its proponents tout it as returning to journalisms roots, a second Pentagon Papers. Its opponents cite damaged international relations and mass invasions of privacy as grounds to declare this organization anathema. This paper will explore the impact that Mr. Assange has had on the last decade of†¦show more content†¦Security of all personnel in-theater was threatened when Wikileaks elected to reveal such things as security measures for bases and contacts in the local communities. The release of this information brought about a change, to be sure , but it was not the change that the whistle-blowers were expecting. It hindered our efforts in the war as new methods to combat our information gathering abilities and reinvent communications methods that the US military was not readily equipped to handle sprung up in the area. Entire security regimens had to be changed immediately as soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines, along with countless DoD civilians, now faced imminent threat from any number of exploitation. These leaks are excellent examples of secrets that are truly deserving to be kept. Not everyone has a right to know everything, no matter what they think. Lives being put in danger to assure oneself of their self-proclaimed inherent rights is a full breach of ethical behavior. In the words of former embassy worker Steve, â€Å"If people are afraid to talk to me, and if Im afraid to. . . be honest in my assessment of the information I send back to Washington, it effectively blindsShow MoreRelatedInformation System s : Computer Ethics1525 Words   |  7 PagesBIS- 601 INFORMATION SYSTEMS COMPUTER ETHICS Submitted by Lakshmi Gajjarapu Student id: 665584 Global Id: gajja1l INTRODUCTION: As the use of Computers have increased now-a-days with improvements in the technology which brings both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages comes with technological developments and disadvantages are like frauds happening using technology. These frauds using technology are called â€Å"Cyber-attacks† where intruders or hackersRead MoreThe Ethics Of The United States Army Essay760 Words   |  4 Pagesproduces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected. Our textbook defines utilitarian as doing the most good and the least harm. 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